Black T-shirt, front chest print and large back logo print, 100% cotton - size: L & XL
This first edition of the NORD MARK already have made HAUNEBU IV , is limited to 100 pieces
*** Class processing, brand T-shirt, two-sided printing .***< br>
Introduction, Foreword:
"Through the wind and ice, I marched northward, always present the fixed idea that holeworld confirmed for myself to know.
Night after night I flashed the same images before the eyes, a beautiful city, sublime, bright, Agartha!
I felt neither hunger nor thirst, and each time I had to force this trip for a few minutes' pause.
The symbol of that which to me night after night, dreaming, with each step clear and powerful evidence of its importance.
Agartha I would reach out to me no doubts now. My Ultima Thule was now within reach ... "
But first the concept statement - Agartha:
Agartha or Agarthi, a mythological place often compared with the Asgard, Atlantis, or even Thule.
A lofty place, inhabited by far more developed than the human beings it is in complete harmony and peace.
There are God and there are people who have shaped the people and its future shape. An underground kingdom of inconceivable splendor.
Interesting facts about Agartha:
You write and say that this God with human beings will continue to maintain frequent contact. Additions to the inner world,
to be holeword but also by deep, maze-like shafts and tunnel systems to achieve.
Not infrequently, one speaks of one of the most important additions in the Himalayas, a direct route into the inner world,
where holeworld also Agartha as a divine center.
Status:only 5. copies!