CD 19 track (69min) comes in chrome-foiled 6-side digipack and 12 page color booklet Limited edition -sealed-.
The album continues with new material exclusively konzeptual to the tradition of the "Bellum Sacrum Bellum!?" Album in.
The musically complex work is a fusion between Western Klang martial orchestral sounds Industrialen
coupled with apocalyptic Neofolk sequences. Intense, dramatic, unbeatable!
A musical revelation of the Old Europe between rebirth or death, freedom or slavery, rebellion and revolution.
An apocalyptic journey with many international artists: Welle Erdball, Natcha From Wynn , Troy Southgate and Andreas D. (Parzival).
01. Self Defense or Slavery Featuring - Sala Delle Colonne
02. Heimatfreund/Staatsfeind
03. Legrand/Cornet (Rilke Zitat )
04. The Global Monsterstate
05. Sinnstiftung Total
06. Heimat Kinder Revolution
07. The Beauty of Live & Eternal War
08. The Guns & the Drums ( Irish Traditional )
09. Respect the Hierachy
10. Transzendente Militanz
11. L'Ennemi Mortel
12. Junge wilde Tiere
13. Young wild animals Reprise
14. Widerspruch in Symphonie
15. Germania Irredenta
16. Germania Irrationalis
17. Germanium Metallicum
18. National Anarchy in the EU Featuring - Sala Delle Colonne
19. Let the World with the Sun go down
Genre: Neofolk, Apocalyptic, Classical, Traditional, Acoustic, Martial
Like : Der Blutharsch, Wappenbund, The Days Of The Trumpet Call, Schakal, HERR, ZR19.84, Triarii, Krepulec
Status: Only 2. copies available!