CD 4-page bookled is limited to 500 copies -sealed-
compiled Tardive Dyskinesia / ATROX / THE MUSICK WRECKERS (= ex-Thorofon) / BODY RUSTIC / CONTROL and organized by Mr.Tardive dyskinesia with stunning artwork by corpse Rustic ingenious new Power Noise compilation with catchy, rhythmic and finely structured compositions. 2 tracks by each band (except Atrox: 1 track at 14 min.)
1. Tardive Dyskinesia - Learn To Be Weak
2. Tardive Dyskinesia - Little Boy
3. Atrox - 14 Min Delirium
4. The Musick Wreckers (ex-Thorofon) - Gliding Down (The Needle) /Open Sky
5. The Musick Wreckers (ex-Thorofon) - Shake / Back Into The Mud
6. Leiche Rustikal - Synapses
7. Leiche Rustikal - Äther
8. Control - Fiending
9. Control - Rise Against
Genre: Power Electronics, Noise, Rhythmic
Like: Haus Arafna, Genocide Organ, Thorofon, Con-Dom