Original titel: "Boyd Rice And Friends - Music, Martinis, And Misanthropy 21st Anniversary Edition"
LP test pressing in black vinyl and limited edition only a few !
--> normal as usual with test press without cover only in white protective sleeve.
"Some records do not need an introduction. Some records define a genre and refine a chain of thought. They give you a pat in the back and let you know they've been there forever. They let you know you're right. Music Martinis & Misanthropy came out 21 years ago. There is no need for an age of consent to unwrap all its gifts but it feels damn nice to be 21 and this is a gift, from us to you: 2 tracks from the original release, one from the cd reissue and two new. Life feels great."
*** colaboration with Douglas P. (Death in June) ***
A1. People
A2. Boyd´s Lovely Christmas
A3. An Eye For An Eye
B1. Happy Anniversary
B2. Boyd´s Secret News
Genre: Neofolk, Acoustic, Cassical, Experimental
Like: Death in June , Der Blutharsch, Luftwaffe, Von Thronstahl, Fire & Ice, Sol Invictus, Current 93