double CD in 8-page digipak limited to 1.000 copies -sealed-.
In February 2023, ROME embarked on its most important, but also by far the most dangerous live mission in its entire history. Exactly one year earlier, in February 2022, when Putin's henchmen were already at the gates of Ukraine, ROME's mastermind Jerome Reuter had ignored all travel warnings and performed several solo shows in Ukraine. He had also promised his enthusiastic Kyiv fan base that he would return with the full band as soon as possible. This happened just days before Russia's great war against Ukraine, and a year later, with fighting continuing, Reuter kept his promise and played two concerts in Ukraine, despite travel restrictions and regular missile attacks on the country's capital. This made ROME the first foreign band to play a full-length show in Ukraine during the war.
CD 1:
Like Lovers
Celine in Jerusalem
Die Nelke
Sons of Aeeth
Solar Caesar
Neue Erinnerung
Kali Yuga über alles
No Second Troy
The Brightest Sun
Der Wolfsmantel
Hearts Mend
CD 2:
Families of Eden
Ächtung Baby
Going Back to Kyiv
Who Only Europe Know
Uropia O Morte
One Lion's Roar
The Ballad of Mariupol
Yellow and Blue
One Fire
Swords to Rust - Hearts to Dust
Les Hirondelles
Genre: Neofolk, Acoustic, Modern Classical
Like: Of The Wand And The Moon, Sonne Hagal, Ordo Rosarius Equilibrio, Darkwood, Sol Invictus