CD comes in digipak -sealed-
Info: Here comes the "new and also last" full-length album from Neofolk and Post Industrial duet Luftwaffe (USA) featuring fifteen uncompromising tracks of Solipsistical Nihilism with several new collaborative efforts. Dissension is the aural harbinger of an inevitable finality of which none have yet conceived.
Special guests : Axel Menz (Hekate), Art Abscon, Erin Powell (Awen).
The skies are no stranger to vast towers of flames And within the last hour forged out of endless disdain The soil is made septic and they’re therein interred Our words are negations that shant be misheard
Those who’d avenge them, Can’t be allowed to awake.
01. Solved Upon Sand
02. Dispäter
03. The Power Law
04. Dissension
05. Kllkorps (V.1)
06. Pale Shadow
07. Little Black Angel (Composed By – Douglas Pearce)
08. Sonnenkrieger
09. Malign
10. Alles Wäre Nichts
11. Occlusion
12. Sigillum
13. Discipleship
14. Grave Desecration
15. Self Immolation
Genre: Neofolk, Martial, Apocalyptic, Military, Post Industrial Like: Gnomonclast, Derniere Volonte, Death in June, Sinweldi, Sol Invictus, Boyd Rice
Status: Only 2. copies available!