Debut CD comes in 4-page bookled in white tray and is limited to 300 hand-numbered copies.
Info: after the first split album "... and still remain" , now the first album the very exceptionally band from erfurt (ger.) fantastic melodrama pop meets military pop of the extra class. - tip !
* 50 comes in special 2CD bag set + signed photos *
01. Feld von Blut und Eisen
02. Believe me my dear he is in the flames
03. She's like a whisper (the secret lady)
04. Der schwarze Turm
05. Das Sturmläuten
06. Herbstlaub
07. No faces in the shadows
08. Das letzte Siegel ist gebrochen
09. A ray of hope (with husen)
10. Wo die Masken fallen
11. Rome's Rising (with spreu & weizen)
Genre: Melodram Pop, Millitary Pop, Neoclassic, Martial
Like: Art Abscons, Leger des Heils, Schattenspiel, J Orphic, Strydwolf, Argheid