CD in digipak sleeve -sealed-
La Boca Del Infierno " (Hell's Mouth) is by far the darkest and most suffered album by Ô Paradis.
"As tracks go on you sink in a sort of dantesque circle", the boundary between joy and suffering,
life and death, where Eros and Thanatos melt and become the same thing. The cover couldn't be more explicative!
Is this the door to life and joy or isn't it more true that it's the door to hell and its torments ?
Here Ô Paradis laid himself bare. Sounds have become more industrial and dreary than ever.
The warm and melancholic mediterranean ballads, dear to the heart of the catalan project,
get oriented in more experimental directions; here melancholy leads to a truly dark and choking anguish.
01. Tan Lejos
02. Veneno
03. Tokyo
04. De Espaldas
05. Voces
06. Nuevo Mundo
07. La Sangre
08. En Circulo
09. El Sueño
10. Tan Cerca
Genre: Neofolk , Downtempo, Avantgarde, Experimental
Like: Spiritual Front, Comando Suzie, Foresta Di Ferro, Cawatana, Der Feuerkreiner
Status: Only 2. copies!