CD comes in nice digipak limited edit -sealed-
- new project from "Durch Heer und Kraft" -
The album is dedicated to the christian victims and marthyrs of two major conflicts of the 20th century: the Mexican 'Cristero’ war and the Spanish civil war, but also deals with the confused 20th century history of the project’s origin, Austria-Hungary and the Central-European region. Musically, it continues to expand and incorporate more and more styles, like it’s predecessor, Falanx: as 'usual’, you can find Kraschau’s self-composed and played neoclassical synth parts, but most of the songs are going back to the roots of industrial music and they are more based on various, monotonous samples and loops. Furthermore the album makes experiments in incorporating power industrial and contemporary classical music and even 'lighter’ electronic
1 ¡Viva Cristo Rey! 05:05
2 Oriamendi 01:24
3 Matando Cristianos 1926-29 03:31
4 Monarhia Si Legea Monarhiei 03:44
5 MP OY 04:40
6 A Kereszt Alatt 05:41
7 Az Arany Fiai 4:46
8 Drang Nach Osten 04:39
9 Extra Ecclesiam (In Tenebras Exteriores) 05:18
10 Matando Cristianos 1936-39 05:42
11 Los Últimos Días De La Democracia 02:54
12 Imperium Catholicam 03:14
13 Sobre El Orden Naturales De La Familia, El Municipio, La Asociación Y La Corporación 13:36
Genre: Martial Industrial, Neo-Classical
Like: Kriegsfall-U, Across The Rubicon, Pantheon Legio Musica, Horologium, Wutanes Heer
Status: only 3. copies !