FIRST EDITION: No.02/75 Split CD 11 track (72min) in DVD case with 2 Insert is handnumbered of 100 copies.
This 75 normal CD and 25 copies comes with bonus VCD ( Video 25min).
01. Barbarossa Umtrunk - Astrum Argentum
02. Barbarossa Umtrunk - Ra-Hoor-Khuit
03. Barbarossa Umtrunk - Aiwas Commandments
04. Barbarossa Umtrunk - Enochian Call
05. Barbarossa Umtrunk - Lila Aissawiyya
06. Barbarossa Umtrunk - La Deesse Verte
07. Kazeria - 72 candels incairo
08. Kazeria - Black stars of thelema
09. Kazeria - Through this dark aethyr
10. Kazeria - Kalot embolot (chant of heresy)
11. Kazeria - Breath of C.V.R.V.N.Z.V.N
Genre: Ambient, Martial, Experimental
Like: NON, Ich hatt einen Kameraden, LJDLP, Karjalan Sissit, Arditi, Toroidh, Turbund Sturmwerk
Status: Single copies !