CDr 9track (58min) is limited to 50 hand-numbered copies.
Info: CYDONIA is a new Dark Ambient project from Barbarossa Umtrunk (Guetteur de Lune = Baron Von S).
- Musical Influences: Raison d'Etre/Atomine Elektrine, Steve Roach, Allio Die, Ryr, Dronerune, Turbund Sturmwerk, Lustmord, Inade, Tangerine Dream, Tribes of Neurot (+ dark ambient, ritual, drone, krautrock, shoegaze/post-black metal, martial industrial, neoclassical, 70's space rock, "glitsch" sounds, spektral music...)
- Books: R.Hoagland, G.Hancock, I.Swann, A.C. Clarke
- Cinema: Solaris, 2001, Stargate...
01. Valles Marineris
02. The Sphinx of Mars
03. Mons Olympus
04. Sagittarius A
05. Nibiru
06. The Sentinel
07. Eye of Japet
08. Towers on the Moon
09. Neuschwabenland ( Escuadron de la Muerte Tribute)
Genre: Dark Ambient, Low-Fi, Cosmic Sounds, Pulsars, Shoegaze, Stellar & Monolythics post-industrial
Like: Raison d'Etre/Atomine Elektrine,Ryr, Dronerune, Turbund Sturmwerk, Lustmord, Inade, Tangerine Dream
Status: Only a few available !
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8zfqpn_fHI
- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rbeZutN7wjI